Sermons on Matthew
Prepare Him Room: Let Earth Receive Her King!
Matthew 2:1-12, 16-20
Faithful Citizens Part 4: Bridges Over Walls
Matthew 10:1-4
Faithful Citizens: Jesus and Politics
Matthew 22:15-22
The Wonder of Immanuel
Matthew 1:18–23
New Season, New Decade, Same Gospel, Same Mission
Matthew 21:12-13
Halloween and the Masks We Wear
Matthew 23:23-28
Advent Honor in the Midst of Shame
Matthew 1:18-25
Do We Really Need a King?
Matthew 2:1-18
Meekness is Not Weakness
Matthew 5:2-11; Psalms 37:5-11
Committed to Discipleship
Matthew 11:28-30
Songs for the Newborn King: We Three Kings
Matthew 2:1-12
What does it mean that Jesus spoke with authority?
Matthew 7:24-39