Sermons from May 2023
How Can I Know God Better
Ephesians 1:15-23 1. What are Paul’s petitions in Ephesians 1? Summarize them in your own words. Do you regularly pray for such things? Why or why not? How can you improve 2. Of what relevance to your prayer life is the stunning conclusion clusion to Paul’s prayer, where he records the best analogy to the power he wants to see operating in every believer’s life? 3. What does this passage teach us about how to pray under the sovereignty of…
An Inheritance Worth Dying For
Ephesians 1:11-14 1. When you get to heaven, what is the first thing you’ll think you’ll do? 2. Israel find life in the Promise Land disappointing. What are some experiences you’ve had where something you really looked forward to, ended up not being as fulfilling as you thought it’d be? 3. If you knew that an amazing inheritance was waiting for you in the future, how would that impact you today? 4. The greatest wonder of the Gospel is not…
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once – A Mother’s Day Sermon
Psalm 131 1. Are you quiet inside? Is Psalm 131 your experience? If not, how would you describe the “noise” that is inside you? 2. How would you describe your relationship with your mom? Healthy or unhealthy? In what ways, do you see the image of God through her? 3. For parents, describe your most embarrassing parenting mistake. For non-parents, describe your most fond memory of your mom. 4. Pride is fundamentally competitive. For those who have less, we feel…
Free at Last!
Ephesians 1:7-10 1. Idols are good things that become ultimate things. As a result, they are hard to identify since from a distance, the pursuit of these things look virtuous. What are some common idols you see in our society? 2. Fill in the blank. “If I had _______________, my life would be complete.” 3. Extreme emotions serve as helpful indicators of our idols. Emotions like rage, paralyzing fear, and despondency can be indicative of idols lurking in our hearts.…