Ephesians 1:7-10
1. Idols are good things that become ultimate things. As a result, they are hard to identify since from a distance, the pursuit of these things look virtuous. What are some common idols you see in our society?
2. Fill in the blank. “If I had _______________, my life would be complete.”
3. Extreme emotions serve as helpful indicators of our idols. Emotions like rage, paralyzing fear, and despondency can be indicative of idols lurking in our hearts. As you survey your emotions, what idols may they be pointing at?
4. Four common idols are Comfort (privacy, lack of stress, freedom), Approval (affirmation, love, relationship), Control (self-discipline, certainty, standards), and Power (success, winning, influence). Of these four idols, which resonates most with you?
5. Think of your idol and compare it to Jesus. How does Jesus give you more than the idol?