Sermons from 2023

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Your Job

Ephesians 6:5-9 1. How would you currently describe your attitude towards your work? Why do you feel the way you feel? 2. How does knowing that all work can bring glory and pleasure to God change the way you approach your work? Is there anything you do at your job that you feel is “off-limits” to God’s purview? 3. What difference would it make for you to make “eye-contact” with God while you worked? What would change? 4. It’s one…

Foundations for Godly Parenting- Part 2

Ephesians 6:1-4   1. Share some of your favorite parenting experiences and moments. 2. What does discipline look like in your house? How do you help your children see the error of their ways? (If you’re not a parent, how was discipline administered in your family growing up?) How do you know when discipline is biblical or sinful? 3. When we are frustrated with the insufficiency of God’s law, we tend to take matters into our own hands and employ…

Foundations for Godly Parenting- Part 1

Ephesians 6:1-4 1. If you have kids, share one of your proudest moments as a dad/mom. Also, share one of your most embarrassing moments as a dad/mom. 2. When you envision success as a parent, what do you see? What does successful parenting look like? 3. If you saw yourself more as an ambassador rather than an owner, what differences would you see in the way you relate to your kids? 4. How can you tell if you’ve crossed the…

How to Honor our Parents

Ephesians 6:1-4 1. How would you describe your relationship to your parents? What are some challenges that you currently face when it comes to “honoring” them? 2. For better or for worse, in what ways has your parents shaped you to be the person you are today? What are some characteristics/aspects of your life that can be traced back to your upbringing? 3.  In this stage of life, what are some practical ways you can “honor” your parents? 4. Why…

How Do Wives Submit in a Barbie World?

Ephesians 5:22-33 1. How would you describe your parent’s marriage? What was healthy about it? What was unhealthy? 2. How do you feel about Ephesians 5:22? What are the first thoughts that come to mind when you hear it? 3. Of the four misunderstandings that were shared, which one do you resonate with the most? 4. Which verse do you think is more misunderstood, verse 22 or verse 25? 5. How is the world’s concept of marriage different the Bible’s…